The law governing Special Educational Needs and Disability changed in September 2014 when the Children and Families Act was introduced. As part of this, every local authority in England is required to publish a Local Offer, which provides information about the services that are available for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in the 0-25 age range. Schools also have to provide more detailed information about how they identify, assess and support students with SEND. This is called the ‘SEN Information Report’.
Our SEN Information Report is part of the Catcote Offer. We aim to tell you about all of the support available to our students and their families. Also in this section you’ll find lots of information about things that happen within and outside of the Academy, as well as signposts and links to other organisations who can provide further advice, support and guidance.
Click here to read Catcote Academy’s SEN Information Report